Sunday, April 28, 2019


Here are two pieces done using those scraps mentioned previously.  Both done over failed paint pouring experiments. Im glad I dont need to look at them again.  When I found them in the shed the other day I was determined to either repurpose them or get rid of them.  Not wanting to waste a canvas, I opted for covering them in collage and paint.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Spring cleaning.

Well Spring lasted a few days before temperatures shot up to 90+ degree weather.    It was a shock.  My garden is needing more and more tending. Thank goodness for a watering system.

 The borage was over four feet tall covered with cobalt blue blooms, much loved and coveted by the huge black carpenter bees and the tiny honey bees.

I went out at dusk the other evening and cut them down and pulled up the roots,  undisturbed by the bees although as I was carrying the big bucket of clippings to the green barrel, they clung to the blooms determined to get their last treat.   I left the lid open so they could finish dining at leisure.

Of course the next day I was miserable with sore neck and back.  But its done.  Being laid up on a hot day gave me the opportunity to view some videos I had wanted to watch.  First was the Robert Burwidge abstractions.    Short videos.  He's so cute. Reminds me of Jack Lemmon.  Twinkle in his eye and sense of humor.

In one if them he was marking up bright colored papers with bold marks, then tearing them up for his collages.  AHA!   And again. AHA!   So glad I saw this as I have been trying to give away brightly colored rice papers to my mixed media group.  I set them out at every meeting for the last month and they have not been taken.     Most printed papers and tons of images were scooped up by the group members... but alas, these get no takers.

Now that I saw Bobs Blast video I was inspired to retrieve them from the giveaways and start marking them up.  This is fun.   I`ll make a project for the group to spend a day using them for mark making.   I only used pens and watercolor marker brushes.  He used a lot of stencils and spray paints but I didnt want to get that messy while Im really trying to clean the studio.  I just get sidetracked...

Im showing a few papers and the garbage paint pour experiment that went wrong.  My intention is collage over most of it.  Ala Bob Burridge.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Whats this? Another rabbit?

Yes itvis.  Tis the season. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Mixed media group

What a fun day we had yesterday.   Our project was inchies.  Carol, Cheri, Pam, Marilyn, Jean, Elizabeth and I chatted away as we worked on them, sharing ideas and supplies.  Thanks Carol for bringing so many things we could use.   

I was trying to think how to hang some of mine from the fixture over our table.  I was thinking of punching holes and using jump rings, but then Marilyn came up with a good solution, which will take less time and effort.  Thanks Marilyn.  I will show pictures soon.

I had set out loads of giveaways. As I am moving away from paper arts and need to get rid of drawers full of images and specialty papers, etc.  Also more books I dont refer to now. 

Books went first.  Wonderful books.   Its just that they are not interesting to me now, and they should be with people who will love and be inspired by them.  As I was a few years ago.  Lots of papers went, in fact almost everything.  Yay. 

As a couple members are really just now getting into mixed media seriously - the timing was right. 

One brought a couple pieces shes done since our last meeting.    Really nice work. She got good feedback from members and some advice on showing and selling.     Being part of this group is a big part of my life.   I have learned so much from them, and treasure the friendships.

Here a bunny, there a bunny...

SPRING RAINS.  almost a daily thing now.  Certainly makes plants ands weeds grow fast, but I would really like some sunny weather again. I feel like Im living in Oregon - or England. 

Anyway, I just finished this felted rabbit in time to send it off as a gift for Easter.     

Then just for fun a few more toilet paper roll bunnies.  Some have added flowers made by
my neighbor/friend Sue.  Thanks Sue. 

I hope you are having a sunny day.  

Monday, April 1, 2019


Jeanne Olivers website sometimes offers free teasers.  I had downloaded this awhile back, but had not watched it until today.  Its was made by Dana Wakely.  Scribbling figures by tracing fashion model poses.   I enjoyed it.    Reminds me of things I did a few years back, but now they have her influence and seem more modern.

Im stuck at home today applying cold compresses to a spider bite on my face.  Yuch.   A good day to play around. 

This is what I did this morning based on her video. 

Toilet paper rolls bunnies

Could not resist adding to my tp critters collection.

What to with paper towel after wiping up paints with it

The colors were so interesting, I separated the layers of paper towel, tore it up and glued it to this printed deli wrap paper.   Im sure pieces will end up in a collage one day.


The first set here was made frpm an old  cut up collage.  Then a white Sharpie paint pen was used to add lines.

The second was made by layering a messy bit of paper towel over a painted scrap.

My mixed media group is playing with inchies again.   I think we will make little inchie books.