Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Senior Holiday Faire

Last Saturday the senior center had their annual holiday faire.  the artist group that meets there weekly had tables reserved to show our art and do demos.    I didn't take anything to sell, but instead showed mail art I had received from around the country.   Maybe something you sent!     People were delighted with the whole idea and the variety of cards I had with me.    I didn't take any pictures, but wanted to note the event so I have it on record .     There were quite a few very fun games during the day, and food, and a number of vendors selling their wares.    Crocheted dish cloths were my big purchase.   I stocked up since I can't do these myself.     I won a pottery piece in a white elephant game.   It was something Frances wanted but she didn't want to play, so I won it for her.    I also bought a couple small paintings from the other artists, for my grandsons who are learning to appreciate art and know the gals who painted them.    Note to self -    Next year bring my camera!