Well, I reached a goal this year that I planned to put on my to do list for next year. I entered four pieces in the Lodi Community Center Membership Art Show. Each piece won something. My reworked Daily Bread won best of show! The steampunk style Slave Scientist won first place in mixed media. The Alice piece won first place in 3 dimensional art, and a piece with a bird and cage took an honorary mention in mixed media. Four for four. After the shock, I have to admit I'm tickled pink.
The Alice piece I finally finished and figured a good way to show it. I had Tap plastics construct a box/book form to protect it, after mounting it on a black piece of wood. It looks like "real" art with those additions.
Last Friday evening there was an Art Walk reception and lots of people milling around checking things out. I noticed two men standing there really engrossed in looking at this piece so walked over to see if I could answer any questions. The first question was "what came in this packing?" That's kind of an odd question, as it really doesn't pertain to the art or concept. But, I'm always happy to converse so told them a portable DVD player came packaged in it. "I knew it!" said the one guy to the other. Both seemed so happy with my answer, I had to ask why? Did they get a DVD player too and they recognized it? Nope. Even better. The one guy designed the mold for the pressed paper form. That's his profession. So, we posed for some pictures together with "our" creation. What a small world.
Tonite the show judge returns to critique the artwork in the show, piece by piece. This is a wonderful way to learn what she looks for and why certain pieces were chosen. Another learning experience I'm not about to miss.