At this moment the votes are being cast for or against a second impeachment for President Trump. I am not watching or listening to it, instead turning to looking through my collection of Valentine related goodies.
Yesterday was baking day which helped warm the house and flooded it with the smell of chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin custard. On a grey, foggy and overcast day, it was warm and did my heart good. During this troubled time politically and with the pandemic still raging, we need to do things to keep ourselves comfortable and safe. Chocolate chip cookies are my antidote.
Today the sun came out in the morning and the dogs had that sunny spot on the couch to stretch out. We are all tired of grey days, but in Californias central Valley, it is the norm this time of year.
I posted a challenge for my mixed media friends to make
something heart related in any media, and then to post pictures during the week of Valentines day. So, while going through my Valentine things, I found some things we have done in the past. I will share some pictures here.