Friday, August 6, 2021

Torn paper 80s lady revisited

 I painted this watercolor lady in the 1980s. I matted it and propped it up on a buffet.  But as time went by, she ended up in the closet with others.  But I came across her the other day when I was looking for an old  beach girl acrylic painting that I thought would be interesting done in torn paper collage.   Change of plan.   Happens often.   So, now it is a work in progress.  

Now it looks like this. 
I have not figured out how to give her a sweater.  But it is fun having a challenge.  I will post again soon. I gave myself a week to finish this,  not remembering that I signed up for a two day art party weekend online which starts tomorrow at 8 a.m.    

I plan to finish this today, however I can always tweak it next week.