At our Mixed Media group in Lodi today, one of the members during show and tell, showed us her method of attaching fabric to paper. I don't know why I had not read it somewhere along the way, or seen it demonstrated. Vivian applies a light layer of liquid gel medium to the back of her fabric, then allows it to dry. Having the medium on the back makes it stiffer so it is easy to cut. Then she simply irons it onto her paper piece, book cover, page, or whatever. The glue melts enough to make the bond. What could be simpler? When I think of how many products I've tried and how confused they make me, each one needing a little different heat, or which side to use.... I often avoid making things that require using them, it's such a headache for me. But now, I am going to use a lot more fabrics on post cards. Just watch your mailboxes!!!! Thanks to Vivian and our sharing times in our group. We learn so much from each other.
We were so chatty today and had so much to share - we didn't have any time left to work. LOL