Thursday, June 13, 2019

Funeral for phone.

Have you ever had your trusty cell phone die?  Im in mourning for my electronic brain.  I loved it. Took it everywhere.  Depended on it for so many things.    Like everyone does.

Good gosh, I hope not.  It happens to my friends periodically, but it was something I was not prepared for. 

My contact list and address book. Gone. 
My calendar. Gone.
My photographs. Gone.
My music.  Gone.
Downloaded files. Gone.
Shopping list. Gone.
Saved messages. Gone.
Attached photos. Gone.
My history was there.  In bits and pieces.  Long story short.  Provider and techies could not get into it to save these things. We had to do a factory reset in order to make the phone usable. 

What I have learned the hard way.  Back everything up.  Dont depend on cell phone for everything.  Write things down. 

I predict that eventually the internet will fail.  Crash. Or be sabotaged.  We are all so dependent on it, I cant imagine how we can function without it.  The younger generations dont even know how to write and mail a letter.  Or write without spell check.  And forget math. Why learn it if you have a calculator in your pocket?    Read a map?  We used to get where we wanted to go without gps.   Write checks.   With a pen.  Then hand it to someone who checked your id before accepting it.   

 I will spare you further rambling grousing... just dont become so dependent on electronics that you cant function without it.