Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve

 Home alone, not counting my trusty companions. One sleeps through the noises from outside, while the other with sensitive ears like a bat, suffers when fireworks go off - or any other sudden loud noises. 

I am treating myself to some favorite entertainment.  A Dvd of Jeeves and Wooster is next on the program to be followed by The Inn of The Sixth Happiness,  a favorite old movie starring Ingrid Bergman.  

Before I start watching them, I watched an episode of The Hotel Inspector on You Tube.  I watched the first season ot two when it first showed in America on BBC years ago.    

As a person who has never traveled abroad it allowed me to peek into interesting B&bs and hotels mostly in England.  Many were poorly run by people following a dream,  but with no practical business sense.  They get lots of help and advice from The Hotel Inspector.   The first few seasons it was Ruth Watson.  Later years it is Alex Pelizi.   Alex has recently added more episodes  to You Tube and is cleaning up the naming and numbering system of the episodes  so it is  easier to follow them in order. 

By watching these episodes I feel like have had another travel adventure, often in charming little villages and seasides.   

I am going to get a little snack and settle in for the Dvds and comforting Lulu.  I am looking forward to the next year and have high hopes it will be better for all of us.   Be safe, be happy, a New Year holds promise.