Thursday, May 26, 2022

Life today

 I am going to try speaking into my tablet rather than typing on the little touchpad that comes up which is slow and tedious and I make so many mistakes that I need to repeat things over and over.

 I'm getting ready to go into the studio today and finish a painting I've been working on for several days making changes everyday from colors two sizes to shapes to all kinds of variations. I think I know where it's going now and can zip through it. My studio is my refuge. It's a place to reflect + 2 immerse myself in making art and escaping from The Real World.

This is following the day when 17 young school children were shot in their classroom and two adults. Another gun-toting teenager on the Rampage for no reason that makes any sense to anyone. But he had access to purchasing, at the age of 18, some weapons and ammunition that prepared him for this massacre. It could have been anywhere. 

People are arguing it was his mental state and not the guns that are responsible for this tragedy. But I argue if he had not had those weapons would these children be dead now? It's obvious to me that had he been on a rampage with a knife or fists would these children be dead? Of course not. So how many times does this need to happen before our country wakes up to the facts. Indiscriminate sales of these weapons lead to multiple deaths. Losses of innocent lives.

We must stop this insanity.  America must follow the examples of other countries who have placed restrictions and are doing a better job of protecting their citizens. 

The shock and despair, grieving and anger, families devastated and broken.   Terrible. Heartbreaking.    

Time to retreat to my studio to help heal my mind and heart.