Thursday, May 26, 2022

Technology today

 When I started blogging it was to record my art and life journey as well as to provide some information and tutorials on altering books and other things.  Now technology makes so much information available  at the touch of a keyboard, I wonder if it will be such an adventure to new aspiring artists.  All those hours alone in the studio working through problems and experimenting with supplies and new products.  Online workshops and You Tube demos are wonderful, but the old ways were so rewarding.

Another technology offering keeps me engrossed in my studio.  Public radio and audio books keep me company.  My old collection of books on tape is being supplanted  with public library's online offerings and Libravox.  I applaud this technology.  

Right in the middle of one of my old audio taped books, one cassette failed. Fortunately I have a large print copy of this book so I can fill in the missing chapters. 

On a whim I tried the public library as a source and found my book was available there in audio. In a matter of minutes I was able to have access to the missing portions of the book that I could listen to and continue to work on my art projects at the same time. Now that I know how simple it is to do this I will be checking my other favorite books if they aren't available in LibriVox I probably will find them at the public library. And it's all free.  Access is easy. They give me 21 days to finish a book before it goes back to them although physically I've never had possession of the book only the content online.  technology rocks.