My dear friend Jackie died a couple weeks ago, and some of us went to help the family haul away the art materials and books she used to love. We sorted and tossed, and donated, and saved favorite things. Among her things was a book on making fabric birds. She had already made one and I loved it and was going to borrow the book to try it myself. Well, I have it now. I think her spirit kicked me in the butt and told me to get busy, because I just had to try to make the bird legs. I had her wire, her pliers, and her book. What was I to do?
I took her things to the studio and made a first little wire bird leg. And then wrapped it in fabric, as shown in the book. Then I did a second smaller one without wrapping it.
Yesterday I went to Modesto to have a play day with friends. And I took what I did, and the wire and pliers and fabric strips. Rosemary is always a good sport about trying anything new, so she had quickly formed a little leg, when Gin and Cat showed up. Much to my surprise Gin wanted to do one also, and it looked like she had been doing them forever. Here's a pic of Jackie's bird, and the legs we (Rosemary and Gin and I) made yesterday. Those are Rosemary's hands making her birdleg. This was fun. I'll post the name of the book later. It's down in the studio and I'm upstairs trying to take care of business. LOL btw it has the cutest owl, and other bird patterns, so I hope to make some this winter.
And now that I know how much fun it is to work with wire, I can see many ways I can use them in book altering. Hmmm.....