Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Bird Book

The book that inspired Jackie , and my little bird feet shown previously, is here on my desk now. I wanted to share the title and author's name so you can get it from Amazon or your fav bookstore. The title is "Little Birds" and has 26 handmade projects to sew, stitch, quilt and love. It was compiled by Susanne Woods, and is from Stash, an imprint of C & T publishing.Lafayette, CA. Copyright 2010. Here's a pic of the back cover to whet your appetite to do some of the projects. Patterns are in the back of this slick little paperback. There are two different sets of instructions for the birds feet. We tried both and don't see a lot of difference in the finished feet. But, since there are 21 artists works represented, each one has their own way of doing things. I like to loan out my books, but this one probably won't be leaving my side. When winter comes I will be cosy up here in my nest making little birdie gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, please remember Me when you make the birds! VBG
    I love birds you know!
