Just now the governor has issued the order that we are all to stay home. This is to prevent the spread and exposure to the virus. Not just the older people, but everyone not essential in the workforce. Schools and stores are closed.
Im lucky I stocked up on foods just days before the panic struck. I was only in one crowded store, Trader Joes. It was like the day before Christmas. A lot of shelves were empty. Every check stand was open and all had lines about 6 deep. I got most of the things I buy routinely. 4 peanut butters. 4 bottles of merlot. 4 bags of frozen broccoli, etc.
A few days earlier I placed a large order for restocking my pantry at Raleys online. I use their pick up service once a month. I pick up at the store, I dont need to leave my car. It has never been busy. But i hear that within 2 days, the panic struck and lines were filled with people grabbing everything they could reach.
So I am staying home, working in the garden, visiting with neighbor from yard to yard
, enjoying the beginning of spring with the arrival of first white lilacs blooming and california poppies wildly blooming out front.
Those of us with passions for art or music, or reading, or gardening, or whatever.... are lucky. We always have something interesting rattling around in our heads. I miss seeing and being with family and friends, but my little dogs an I will spend precious time together. Valerie will not be over to see me this week, but her mom snap chats pictures and videos.
For the past couple years I thought about getting Acorn channel to watch fav British films and programs. I never felt like I had time to enjoy it.... but now I do. The most important one was the last season of Doc Martin. I am watching it on my tablet. One episode every afternoon. What a treat. From the opening music and scenery, it grabs my attention and holds it until closing credits. A precious bonus for staying home.
Im very blessed. I hope you and yours are healthy and not too inconvenienced by this historic situation.