Friday, September 6, 2019

Florals ala BB

Since discovering Bob Burridge online, and warching hiw weekly Bobs Blasts - incuding those in his archives, some of us in our local mixed media group and also painters at the senior center have been trying his techiques. 

I tried his florals first.  I start with good intentions, but soon veer off to make it mine.  But I will try again until I can get his loose easy abstract style under my belt. 

Basically what he does is make splotches of colors all over the canvas with a wadded up paper towel dipped in wet juicy paints.  Then he goes in with a background color covering whatever does not look like a vase and floral arrangement.  A subtractive technique, like sculpting.  Its a lot of fun.  Knowing when to stop is the tricky part.  

Im going to give it a quick shot of gold webbing sprat and sign it.  I like it enough to put another nail in my family room wall and hang it there.