Friday, May 8, 2020

Fresh fish part two.

This series came about by accident.   Who said there is no such thing as an accident.  Freud?

I decided to stop painting fish and paint roses.  Im not good with roses so I started by practicing brush strokes in watercolor.    For a stylized rose.
After a practicing a few,  I was bored and left them on my art table to dry.   When I caught a glimpse of them from a distance, did I see a rose?   Or did I see a school of fish? 

Now that peaked my interest.   A rose is a rose, is a rose...unless its a school of fish.   Here's that first rose with some koi details added.

I painted a larger one. 
I carried it outside and called over to a neighbor friend.  What do you see?   I see a rose was her reply.   Aha!  This could be fun.     How could I find the line between the view seeing a rose, or a school of fish?  

Another version with more details but still a rose.

Now I questioned could I paint the school of fish and still see the rose?
What do you 

So, I guess I was not through with fish yet.

But I'm through with roses.