Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello friends, old and new.

Welcome to my new blog where altered books, fabric books, and other handmade books - along with the techniques and tools used to create them will be shared. You are welcome to follow along the progress of new books, and to use any of these methods and techniques.

I won't be boring you with the happenings of my family and friends here - they are well covered on my blog journal. It will take awhile before I get the altered book files copied from there, so please stay tuned - they are on their way.


  1. Janene, this is a fabulous blog! You know how much I love your books. You are doing a great service by sharing all your wonderful ideas and techniques. Thank you!

  2. This will be an excellent reference for the 'net world.
    But no puppy pix here? Harrumph!

  3. Hi Janene,
    Hope you remember me from UOP. Have not been able to find an e-mail address for you, so forgive this post to your blog. Would love to discuss Silver City as well as altered books, stained glass, etc. Please e-mail me at
    Marilyn Norton
