Back in July I posted a picture and told about the book I am entering in an art league show tomorrow. I just finished the cover and a few extra touches inside. This link will take you back to the history of this book and to the new pics. Here are the new pics.
As a follow up, I turned it in today (Friday) and the people accepting art had never seen an altered book before. No one was quite sure what to do with it - is it mixed media or is it 3 dimensional? It's both, but they had to pick a category and put it in 3D which means it will be judged with sculptures. Apples and oranges, huh? Anyway they all seemed quite interested in it and I'm pretty sure it will get juried in. Cross your fingers with me. (Updated Tuesday Sept. 1. Notified today the book has been accepted in the art show. Wahoo!) (Updated Friday Sept. 4th. I've been to the gallery and my piece did not win any ribbons. The winner was a huge steel sculpture, and 2nd place was a wonderful wood carving. - Apples and Oranges! How can you compare one to the other?)
I changed the title again. I saw that "What's Love Got To Do With It?" movie about Tina Turner's life was on TV and an AHA moment happened again. I just fell in love with that title for this piece. So, I added a heart on the front, and one inside to help tie the title to the book. I find that the more obscure and thought provoking the title - the more the galleries appreciate the work. They love the challenge of having to think about a piece and try to find the hidden meanings. If it were titled CRIMES - the thought process would be less engaged.
I borrowed a big iron key from one of my art pals, Nancy, and planned to add it to the piece, since the prisoner is obviously locked up and it might be interesting. But when I tried it - it diverted the attention away from the poison bottle - and that bottle and what it contains is the real inspiration and heart of this book. I have the pages wired together so the book can be handled. The gallery people appreciated that viewers would be able to open and close it. Interactive art is something they seem to like. I need to remember that.
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