These are abstract landxcapes in my favorite palette. Asphaltum, black and white. My smallest gelli plate is 3 x 5, so it was easy to mask it off to the right size. I just turned one of my business cards over on the top of the plate. Then it was just a matter of playing with my brayers and wide brush and paints, and pull one after another onto either copy paper or deli wrap.
This was so much fun.
Most people who use the gelli plate use it with lots of colors, stencils, etc. They are amazing. Check you tube for all kinds of tutorials. Of course you can do monoprinting on lots of other surfaces.
I was looking at a foam kneeling pad when I was gardening last evening, and thought - hmmmm... this would make a good printing plate. hmmm...
I'm keeping the gelli plates in the house. I don't think it's healthy for them to be subjected to the temperature variations in the studio. And they are not cheap. I'd hate to have them damaged. But the kneeling pad could stay int he studio. Or some of the other pads for the kitchen that people are using.
Oh I hope you'll show the ones you frame!