Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Little Moments

I finished this collage I showed previously.  The poem by Julia Carney is the inspiration.

Little drops of water,
little grains of sand,
make the mighty ocean
and the beautious land.

And the little moments,
humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.

 This is in honor of my mother, a woman with so many good qualities.   She took motherhood as seriously as she did everything else.  She was an extraordinary teacher.   Mom had little time for fun in her life.  She didnt have girlfriends to go to lunch with and to laugh with.  She was all serious business, although she did have a keen sense of humor was kept under wraps most of the time.

The picture on upper left was taken when I was about 14. It was a family outing to a lake in the high Sierras where we camped for the night.

Poor Mother. She didnt really like to camp, get dirty, or sleep in a sleeping bag.    She was always chilly and usually ended up bundled under blankets in the car while we explored and goofed off.

My brother had constructed a makeshift boat from inner tubes and bits of wood.  It could seat two.  Dad and Bob managed to put it on our camp trailer and this is the day it was launched.   Its the only picture I have of Mother  sitting out in the sun for the big event. 

Bob and I paddled off - not far as there were serious design and construction flaws/challenges.  Mother was convinced we would drown, so we stayed in a small inlet where we could walk it out if it went down.  It didn't sink but was impossible to maneuver.  Hardly sea worthy.  Lol.  We never used it again.

 This little moment is precious to me.  I'm all that's left of our little nuclear family.   It deserves a memorial.   Life is made up of little moments isn't it?