Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Gelli monoprints

Here are pics of the monoprints done on gelli plate.

 I tried the pears first without black borders but didn't like them, so took some black acrylic paint, diluted with a little Golden retarder that keeps it open and more fluid.

I'm using Winsor Newton Galeria acrylic  titanium white, it's smooth as silk.      Most of the colors are Liquitex Basics.   At first I liked these a lot, but they do not like heat.   My studio must have cooked them or something because they no longer are smooth and creamy.   Some are barely usable, and I'm not happy with them.      I won't buy them again.    They also clog up the opening - I d rather be using craft paints that hold up for decades.     I like having them in the tubes, and they are hot on the market, so I had to try them out.      I guess if temperature was not an issue, I would still like them.    

I think I'll be using my discount coupons to buy more of the Winsor Newtons when I need them.   They are my number one favorites.  

I have a few tubes of Acrylics by Art Insitute given to me by a friend.   I think they are quite nice so far and will use them again today for a better trial.

As I'm working inside I don't have much space to set things to dry.   I can't put them outside as the roofers are still stirring up the sawdust and tiles debris.   So they are all over my living space including the kitchen counter and stove.   LOL Any bare space that the dogs can't jump on!         Three more days of this. 


  1. My sister and I just took a class on Gelli Plate printing, and we really enjoyed it. We each bought plates, and have been "playing" with them. I haven't made anything yet that I want to share, but having a blast making print.

  2. boo hiss on the paints drying up. hope the roofers are done very soon!
