Friday, April 3, 2020

Corona Virus. Life changing crises.

When we began hearing about the rise in corona virus cases in the U.S.  it started to make us think about how we could avoid it.   We started to put more physical distance between ourselves and others at gatherings, or avoided them altogether.

I am 81, and have a dietary restrictions, I wont bore you with details, but it means I just cant eat everything or eat out much. So I bake my own bread and adapt recipes to my own requirements. No fast,  prepared, or packaged foods.  So I always need to plan ahead.  This actually put me in a better prepared place than many others who have wider choices.   I shop ahead.  Once a month a large order from Raleys, which I place online, then pick up in a designated area. I dont need to go into the huge store.

I placed my usual order, several things in quantities of four, on the Tuesday  prior to the governors order to stay home.    No problem. No waiting, no shortages.  I have never even seen another person picking up their groceries.  This was soon to change.

I buy my meat and fresh produce at Podestos.  And  other favorites like peanut butter, sorbet, frozen vegetables and wine at Trader Joes. It was Friday when I went for these things.  By then the panic had struck.   If I had shopped on Wednesday it would have been a relatively normal day.

Trader Joes had a man outside disinfecting carts as fast as he could. I could tell by the parking lot that it would be crowded, but I was unprepared for what I found.  Jam packed aisles, many shelves emptied of staples like pastas, tomato sauces, rice, and water.

I had my usual list and got 4 each  of the most necessary items and went to get in line.  Every checkout stand was open with checkers and baggers. Every line was at least 6 people deep.  It was like the day before Christmas, except for what I saw in the carts.  Some were loaded with multiples of just one item, like water.  We tried not to get too close to each other but there were only the carts between us, not the suggested 6 feet that the news recommended.    I got most everything I would need to last a few weeks at least.

I had been watching the news daily to see what the experts were recommending and making judgements based on that.  Most of my friends were comfortable with the decisions to curtail meetings.

 President Trump was still telling everyone there was no problem in the U.S.,  it was under control and would pass quickly. Only 10 people had it and all were doing well, getting better and soon the numbers would be gone. All lies.    Well, I never believe a word he says, and the disease experts and scientists and medical community were contradicting him.

 Within a few days Californias Governor issued an order for older people and those most at risk to stay home.   In the next couple days schools and non essential businesses were closed.  Until April 15th.   And everyone not in one of the essential businesses was to stay home too, use the 6 foot physical distancing from others, and scrub our hands often while reciting the alphabet, singing happy birthday twice through, or as someone suggested, saying The Lords Prayer.  Do not touch our faces, wear gloves, in some cases wear masks.   Gosh.

No hugging our friends, no shaking hands.  Our world changed, and quickly.  Now this is extended at least until the end of April.   People are desperate for toilet paper, hand sanitizers, and staples. I can no longer find bread flour anywhere.

Staying in means a lot of time for art, and just prior to all this, i was doing a lot of collage and painting projects. I ordered cheapo food handler gloves from Amazon. A box for the studio and a box my rainy day painting area in dining room.   500 per box.    Now i use them unloading groceries and handling the mail and other deliveries.    I never knew I would need them....   just coincidence?

This was almost three weeks ago, now I think if quarantine is extended again and again, perhaps I should increase a few items in my pantry.

So I placed an order with Raleys and found first available pick up time was four days later.  Usually it is next day pick up.

When I arrived the parking was packed. Many others waiting to pick up. At least a dozen waiting ahead of me.   Most wearing masks and everyone observing social distancing.   40 minute wait and only 2/3 of my order filled. Many shortages in store.

My routine and the whole world has changed by this pandemic.   The news is, it is now most everywhere.  In the U.S. most of the states have issued similar stay home orders.

 I am happy to stay home and make art.   And clean, and talk to friends by phone, or texting, or emails.   Lots of small projects getting done.   On sunny days I putter in my tiny garden.   I sure miss seeing my family and friends.

I hope anyone reading this is safe and healthy and doing something to help pass this time of seclusion.   And I pray the pandemic gets controlled and people stay well.    Please do not ignore the experts.  This is serious business.