Friday, April 3, 2020

Lady of the Tropics.

One line in this movie reminds me what a wasteful society we are in, yes, me too.   Guilty.

I mention this now because of the pandemic.   I may have my groceries and most of my life under control, but during the first days of seclusion, I was waking really early in the morning, turned on TV and did some self help retail therapy on QVC as they had clearance prices with my favorite hosts with Denim and Co.   Even Martha Stewart had reduced prices on some if her fashion, and Isaac Misrahi.  Bad news.  I ordered this and that.  Not that
I needed anything, it was merely a response to stress. 

Until packages started arriving.  Good golly, what was I thinking?   Day after day packages arrived.  Ultimately I came to my senses and returned everything, having post office come pick them up.  I repackaged in groups to reduce return postage.

Im over it now.  Temporary insanity.

Lady of the Tropics is an old black and white movie (1939) starring Hedy Lamarr and Robert Taylor.  I have it recorded so watch it occasionally.  At one point, Taylor goes out to buy a ladies hat, and a native expresses regrets that the lady lost her hat.

 In his world he could not fathom that if you had one hat, you might want another one.     The way he expresses it is quaint and humorous. 

As I survey my closet, I am reminded that I dont need as many pairs of shoes, or jeans, or sweaters...etc.     after all, I didnt lose anything.