Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pandemic update

First let me say, I am well. My family is well.  My friends are well.  Thank you God.

I have left my house twice since our shelter in place order was issued.  Second trip was to pick up groceries from Raleys, which went much more smoothly than the previous time.  My wait time to pick up my bags was only about 5 minutes. But this time I went 15 minutes early so was able to get parked in a designated area.   I called in and looked around.  More masks and gloves were evident.  Fewer cars in the lot and fewer in the pick up area.   Out of a $140+ order, I received about $90 of order. 

The country is in chaos.  Governors are now facing the challenges of providing necessary supplies and equipment.   Federal government is a mess.  Now there are riots pushing to open the economy and drop the stay home orders.  The big question to me is not being addressed in the news.  Who is organizing these riots?  I have my personal suspicians.

I dont spend much time watching the news.  I tried watching the daily corona virus report, but instead of focussing on what we need to know, President Trump has turned it into the Trump show. He can talk on and on bragging and boasting and making an ass of himself while we are waiting to hear from the scientists and doctors for important information. 

I do watch our California governor's updates.  Im very impressed by the moves he has made and the teams of people feeding into the decisions.

Its hard to get local health news (county and city) as the facts and figures are being suppressed. Perhaps to contain a panic. 

But on the home front,  I am enjoying this break from routine of meetings and art groups at senior centers.   I stay in bed later, eat breakfast leisurely,  and spend day puttering, listening to audio books , making art, cleaning and finishing projects.  And spending much more time gardening. Weed by pesty weed.  Lol.   Its a riot of color out there.  My old dogs love having me home. It will be a big adjustment for them when I am on the go again.

I expect this shelter in place order will last another month.   Ok by me. 

Please stay strong and healthy and know that this will pass. So make good use of this respite. 

Smell a rose.