Friday, November 6, 2020

Give me strength - news

 It is 7 in the morning. I have not heard the news since early  last evening.  I purposely avoided tv, choosing instead to watch a dvd, and then listening to an audio book on Librivox.    

The votes for president are closer than I would wish.  Biden was ahead in electoral college as of last night but as more votes are counted some key states swing back and forth.  Trump gave a long angry interview full of lies and paranoia, intent on fighting it out in the courts.   Many think this was his plan months ago, sowing distrust in the voting system and particularly in mail in voting.  

Of course mail in voting is the safest way to vote during the pandemic.  But Trump urged his own followers to vote in person. He is contesting the mail in votes and ordered them stopped, but a judge ruled that they must be counted.   Many democrats voted safely by mail in ballits. It was advised, and in fact encouraged by governors and scientists.   Standing in long  lines of  people, sometimes feeling threatened by Trumps goon squads waving signs and shouting, would be threatening to me... 

So, soon I will turn on the news and hear what transpired overnight.  Biden has made several pleas for people to remain calm while we await results.   We need calm.  We dont need violence and turmoil.   

 This is Friday. The election was Tuesday.    It may be another day or even more to record all the votes.  Tension is high, none more aggitated than Trump himself with his speeches and twitters that apparently he sends out at all hours as the mood strikes.     

The world is watching us.   Let us pray we can proceed with dignity and eventual unity.    

Meanwhile here in America the pandemic rages on, as in  many other countries, in fact most.  Several European countries have reinstituted lock down measures for several weeks to try to stop the spread.  All economies are suffering, and lives are lost.   

Let us pray for patience and calm. Let us live wisely and safely, and protect our families and those we are in contact with.  

Today feels like first day of winter. I hear my windchimes outside, there is a chill in the air.  Its sweater weather.  Daytime temeratures dropped 20 degrees.