Sunday, November 1, 2020

Let's talk pandemic.

 And politics.   Today is the first of November.   Tuesday  is election day.     Months of isolation for many.   Sickness and death for thousands.   Families grieving.  People living with fear or denial.  What a choice.  

Right from the start of this pandemic, President Trump lied to the people and tried to cover up the danger it posed to our citizens.   Scientists put to the test. This is a new virus. Covid 19 is what we call it.   It is our enemy.      But one we could have been better prepared for had the President followed the advice of scientists.

History will record the progression of the disease and the political responses on both sides of the aisle.  The body count outweighs all the wars we have fought.   

Now we are voting.  Mask or no mask? Science or false hope?  Regulations to protect environment, or widespread pollution? Moral values or con man?  

I voted early by mail. In California there is a tracking system for vote by mail votes.  I tracked it to Registrars office, then phoned to check it had been counted.    Yay.   It worked.   Republicans were putting up non official ballot boxes in cities in California.   Heaven only knows what they do with the ballots deposited there.    

There are a number of legitimate but bizarre ballot box locations in town.  The Ford dealership, a coffee shop, a health food store, a beauty parlor, etc.  I have no idea how those sites were selected, but in my paranoia i didnt trust any of them, and relied on the mail drop box at the post office.

Politics is dividing our country, and even families. Sides are drawn.   It is awkward and distressing.   Some are not seeing friends on the "other side" because we are all so passionately invested in this election.   I hope we can come together again later.   Many people are talking about leaving  the country if their side does not win.   

Meanwhile, life goes on. I am still in modified isolation.  I have only been to 4 businesses since March.  I pick up my groceries and occasional art supplies at drive up, pick up places.  Or my son who believes he has had this virus in late June, shops for things I cant get otherwise and delivers them to me.  

His own family is pretty casual about this pandemic. It worries me.  Greatly. They shop, go to parties, travel, etc.  They are living a nearly normal life.   We are on different sides of the aisle

politically and our lifestyles reflect that.  We DO NOT TALK ABOUT POLITICS.  It is too stressful.  And we understand we wont convert.   I hate this.  

I spend a fair amount of time watching CNN and watching You Tube.  There I found a group Republicans voting against Trump.  I read the comments made by regular people and it gives me hope to hear what changed their vote.  I often leave comments in response.  

I hope the election will go my way, and a new administration with policies based on sciences will set us on a better path for the future. 🙏🙏🙏