Monday, November 16, 2020

Let there be peace


Copyright Janene Ford, 2020

Back when I was painting a series of Koi paintings, the Carving Consortium put out a challenge to carve something representing Peace.  I sketched this in pencil on a post it pad which I planned to transfer to rubber to carve and make a stamp.   But my paints were still out on my work table and there was one canvas already gessoed so I decided to paint it first.  

Then the election campaign frenzy began and I was more and more inclined to paint it as a symbol of society, with a mix of colors and ethnicities.    I decided to show it now.   I think it would be a grand image to use on pillows, sweatshirts, decals,  quilts, etc.   I scoured the internet to see whether I could find this image elsewhere, and I could not.    

If you would like permission to use it, please email me at